Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Quick Tip - Unplug It!

A quick tip for you to start practicing at home is unplugging anything that isn't in use.

We do not keep the toaster or any other counter appliance plugged in unless it is currently in use. When we leave for a trip, we unplug nearly everything. It's amazing how much electricity "idle" electronics can use.

Things that need to charge can be left plugged in, but keep in mind that many batteries (like the battery for your fancy DSLR) can actually lose their lifespan if you leave them plugged in. So with this tip, you're not only saving a little bit on your electricity bill, you're conserving energy, AND saving the life of your stuff.


  1. An extra tip to go along with that: Plug your TV and all it's electronics into a surge protector. Then, when you're not using it you only have 1 thing to unplug instead of 3-5!

  2. Great tip! It will also help protect your stuff in the event of a power outage or a lightning strike.

  3. Another way to save time, buy a surge protector and has an auto-off outlet. We plug our TV into this outlet and then everything else that is plugged into the protector shuts completely off without having to actually unplug anything.
